While watching tonight's debate, I had a few thoughts.
Point One: Obama wants to give tax breaks to everyone making under $250,000. Is that part of the spending cuts he's so adamant about? I'm not suggesting that our taxes go up, especially during these difficult economic times, but think about it. Also, he mentioned that the health care plan would cost a lot of money. So, what about the spending cuts? Obama keeps pointing out that McCain can't keep his promises, but what about Obama's promises? Obama needs to stop ragging on McCain and take a look at what he's saying.
Point Two: More on the tax breaks. Have you seen the ad that Obama has running on the tax cuts he's promising? He talks about how McCain wants to give tax cuts to corporate and big business, but not for the middle class. Let me repeat, nothing for the middle class. Obama claims to want to give tax cuts to anyone who makes less than $250,000 and three times as much to middle class than John McCain. Repeat, three times the tax cuts for the middle class than John McCain. Now, let's do the math. Three times "zero" equals zero. (I put quotations around the first zero because I've personally never heard him say he was going to shaft the middle class. Just in case no one understood.) So, let's think about that for a minute. Refer back to my pervious post. Obama is a silver-tongued snake.
Point Three: I loved when McCain complemented Obama on his eloquence. In my (very) humble opinion, McCain did an excellent job pointing out Obama's deceptiveness. In subtle and not-so-subtle ways, McCain brought Obama down. 'Nuff said.
Point four: The health insurance point. Obama related a story about how two women who got laid off were worried about not having health insurance. To them I say, go to your unemployment office, sign up for unemployment, and at the same time, they wiil let you apply for Medicaid. That's what it's there for. And, for their situation, it's legitimate. They're not abusing the system, they're using it the way it was intended. And again, beware the silver tongue. At one point, when the point was persued by McCain, Obama claimed he would not fine for not having health care. Then Obama clarified. He will not fine small businesses if they can't afford to pay for health care for their employees. Well, if small businesses can't afford the health care, what about the people who work for those small businesses? Obama never said he wouldn't fine the average Joe (the Plumber) for not providing health care for his family. In fact, he said in a previous debate that he would fine individuals for not having health insurance for their families. So, 'Senator Government' what would you fine those individuals? Those people who make too much for Medicaid but not enough to pay for their own plans?
I also want to give kudos to some of the panel tonight:
Rosemary of Lancanster, OH
Dave of Farmington, PA
One other note: Remember that these are opinions and we are all entitled to our own. God Bless America (the democracy, republic, free world)
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