The day after Jalaina and I came home from the hospital was the annual Fourth of July parade in Provo. This is the only holiday I can count on all the Smith's getting together, so naturally, I didn't want to miss it.
Okay, so I also wanted to show off Jalaina. Anyway, despite still feeling a little weak and tired, I woke up at seven that morning and made it to the parade, accompanied by Thane, Jocelyn, my mom and Caitlin. It was a lot of fun. Caitlin and Jocelyn met Cinderella, which they were both excited about. Although I think Caitlin's favorite part was seeing all the princesses (the winners of the beauty contest for each city in the area).
From there, we went home, had a nap and went to my sister-in-law Jeanne's house for dinner. It was a fun Fourth of July, and as you can see--pictures!!!
A few days later, everyone in the condo,
excluding Jalaina and myself became sick. Not really sure with what, but the sickness pretty much lasted for a day, then was gone. It was at the end of this that my sister, Deirdre, made a surprise trip to Utah to visit Caitlin for her 4th birthday. Caitlin was surprised, and happy, to see her mother! Of course, later that day, she wanted to know what her surprise was! Silly girl! Thankfully, Caitlin was feeling better for her birthday and we made a small cake for her since she would be getting a bigger party over the weekend. The next day we had a 'Big Sister' party for Jocelyn. She was the only girl that week not to have a party--Jalaina's blessing was the following Sunday. We made cupcakes from the leftover cake batter from Caitlin's cake. Mya made sure everyone knew whose day it was!
A few days later, everyone in the condo,
Saturday brought Dad, Kyle and Danielle into town, with Jock in tow. That night was Caitlin's big party celebrating her 4th birthday. Shortly after cake was served, preparatio
ns for the next day's celebration was underway. Sunday, July 11 was Jalaina's blessing day. Overall it was a good day, with a small bit of rain overshadowing the festivities. G.G. and Aunt Penny came all the way from Wyoming. Well, G.G. was visiting Aunt Penny from Houston, but you get the idea. Thane gave Jalaina her blessing at church and afterwards we had a family gathering outside the playground in front of the complex where we were living. Thane's sisters and their families were there along with all my family, my aunt Jenni and uncle Brian, and as listed above, G.G. and Aunt Penny. I am very grateful for everyone who came. I am also grateful for everyone who weren't able to be there and kept us in their thoughts that day.