Yea!! We made it to June/July, my favorite time in 2010. And I bet you can guess why! I had talked to my OB/GYN earlier that year and told him I wanted to be induced. He agreed and we set a date-June 30. Well, life went on and as time progressed, I decided the 30th wasn't soon enough. I wanted to see my baby girl. So, on June 25, I called my doctor and said that I wanted to have the baby earlier, like that weekend. Yeah, I know it was only a matter of days, but when it comes to my babies, I am just not very patient. The girl in charge of scheduling inductions and ultrasounds called me back and told me that my hospital of choice didn't do inductions over the weekend. She said she'd try to get me in on Monday. Monday came and went. Tuesday arrived and I picked up my mom and niece from the airport. By Tuesday afternoon, when there still wasn't a phone call from the hospital saying they were ready, I was on edge. I was supposed to have the baby the next day. Tuesday night came along and I finally received a call. The hospital had an influx of expecting mothers over the weekend and the past two days, so there were no beds. I was told that if I didn't receive a phone call from them by six a.m. to call the hospital. Well, at six-thirty (can you believe it? I waited a whole half-hour!) I called the hospital; still no bed. I was then told to call back at ten. Ten o'clock, same answer--call back at noon. Noon, same answer--call back at two. By this point, we were at the mall, just for something to do. I was going crazy sitting at home waiting for the phone to ring. At two, I was in a scrapbooking store, when the hospital called and said that it would take about another hour but if I still didn't hear from them, not to worry because my doctor had called in and said to get me in ASAP. (I LOVE my doctor!!) Three o'clock, the hospital called. Get here in fifteen minutes and we'll be ready for you. So, I sat around for ten minutes, bag packed, twiddling my thumbs because the hospital was across the street from where we were living at the time. Finally the moment arrived and all of a sudden, I was in a hospital bed, getting hooked up to various machines. The nurse shot my IV with Pitocin and I started my contractions. Everything was going very well until a couple of hours later when it was time for my epidural. When I had the epidural put in with Jocelyn, there was one poke and it was in. Not so this time. The anesthesiologist poked and poked and poked. I felt like a pincushion. Finally, it was in. I laid down on the bed and got the biggest scare of my life. The nurse couldn't find the baby's heartbeat! I was frantic, sobbing, saying, "Please save my baby" over and over. A whole team of nurses entered the room and they started to prep me for an emergency C-section. The head nurse shot my IV with something (I can't remember what it was called) to increase my blood pressure and after what seemed like an eternity, there was the heartbeat thumping steadily. After that excitement, the rest of the night was fairly uneventful. At around nine forty-five, my aunt Jenni stopped by the condo where Mom was with the two girls. She offered to take Caitlin and Jocelyn so Mom could come to the hospital to be with me. (Grateful shout out to Aunt Jenni!!) Mom arrived just as the baby crowned, so she was able to watch as Jalaina Dawn entered the world. It was one of the greatest moments of my life. It would the greatest, but I do have an older daughter, and to watch her being born was awesome! So, I will end this story for now and post some pics. More to follow. Love to all!