All right. Backing up to July. First was the Fourth celebration we have every year with the Smith family. Lots of fun; Jocelyn's third and still no
pics. We will try again this year. Next Jocelyn and I went to visit my family in Houston. That was so much fun. Mom has a little dog-a CockaPoo named Jock-and his kennel is in the living room. The first thing Jocelyn did when she arrived at the house was to crawl in the cage. Shortly
thereafter, Caitlin joined her. Silly, silly girls. A few days later, Mom, Deirdre, Dad and I took Caitlin and Jocelyn to Galveston for their first time at the beach. We rode the ferry over and back and fed the seagulls before heading for the beach. Both girls loved the water and I think if it wasn't so close to naptime when we finally arrived, we would have stayed longer. While we were enjoying our stay, we received a call from Thane. He had been in a motorcycle accident. Thankfully, he was/is fine-a little scraped up, but no broken bones and no fatalities. The motorcycle on the other hand...there was no bringing that back from the scrapmetal graveyard.

The next big thing was Halloween.
Since the first Tinkerbell movie came out last October, Jocelyn has been into all things Tink. So, naturally, she went as Tinkerbell this year. (It also doesn't hurt that her favorite color is green.) We Trunk-or-Treat-ed at the ward party and went to Aunt Jenni's house ('Can we go to Aunt Jenni's to see da puppies?').
Right after Halloween, we received two pieces of news-one great and one, well, not so great. Bad news first, right? Let's just get that out of the way. Thane lost his job. Great, yea, now what do we do? Now for the great news. We found out we're expecting again. Yea!! Okay, now how do we pay for the baby?
For Thanksgiving, we visited Duff and Jennifer and their
kids in Arizona. It was nice to be able to get away from life for awhile and enjoy being with family we don't get to see very much. We thoroughly enjoyed Duff's and Jennifer's cooking. Soooo good!! They took us to the 'train park' and we got to ride a little train and see some miniatures rolling around on their little tracks. We even got a cute family picture taken there, courtesy of Jennifer.
This brings us to Christmas. Ah, Christmas, the t
ime of year for families to be together and enjoy the giving season. I am grateful for that holiday because for one day, our thoughts were off the job hunt and the financial hardships. We were able to sit back and enjoy our two-almost-three-year-old open her presents from Santa. And she may have helped Momma and Daddy open theirs as well. I love my little girl and am so blessed to have her.
WooHoo!!! An update(s)! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Looks like the Smith's had some good times in the past 6 months or so - always fun at Aunt Jenni's!
What a big girl! Glad your doing well!
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