I never would have imagined two years ago that I would be telling my baby girl to pull up her diaper. (For some reason, she has a penchant to experiment with the waistband and tabs of her diaper. It is much too precious, although now she has pulled her diaper off all the way over her bum.) Excuse me.
Waking up to the sweet choruses of "Mommy! Mommy!" at eight in the morning was something else I never dreamed of when my gorgeous girl came into the world, along with the tantrums -you're thinking "No! Not that sweet girl!"-, the delight in everything girly -wearing Mommy's shoes, putting her babies "Night-night"-, the gibberish singing, the desire to 'help'. And the list goes on and on. I suppose every first time mother doesn't know quite to expect the first day, or month, or year, etc. Every day is a new learning experience. And boy, have I learned a lot- A LOT.
Her second birthday wasn't nearly as exciting as last year's. For one thing, Mommy fell down on the job and didn't get a cake made, presents wrapped, or even finished the birthday shopping. I suppose that's what happens when one is sick for three-plus weeks. Miracle of miracles, Mommy is feeling better today, but that doesn't mean much, either. We will be celebrating Joce's birthday on Saturday, so I will get pictures up then.
We spent an exciting two-plus weeks in Houston at the beginning of the month. It was a happy trip for all. Miya and Papa were thrilled to see how much Jocelyn had changed in the last five months, while Jocelyn and Caitlyn had so much fun playing with each other. I heard through the grapevine that once Jocelyn had left, Caitlyn was a tad distraught, asking when she woke up from naps and in the morning "Where's Jocie? Where's Jocie?" It's a bit heartwrenching. Unfortunately, there are no pictures of that trip, but we have tenatively planned a trip for the end of July.